Beyond Reach Connections
Organisations (Memberships)
Friends of the Earth,
Medecins Sans Frontieres - Doctors without Borders,
The National Trust,
The Woodland Trust,
Useful Links
Earth Pathways,
Charles Eisenstein,
Bill Plotkin, Animas Valley Institute,
Resurgence and Ecologist,
Useful Books
Art of Number, Translating Numbers into Pictures and Sacred Symbols Workbook.
Jain 108, The Joy of Numbers Institute, Miniversity. Jain 108 Mathemagics. 2016.
The Book On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are. Alan Watts. Souvenir Press. 1966.
(2009 edition).
Black Elk Speaks: The Complete Edition. John G Neihardt. Bison Books. 2014.
Chakra for Beginners. Awaken Your Spiritual Power For the Healing Of The Mind, Soul
And Body. Emily C. Heaven. Amazon Publication. 2020.
Chakra Healing Bible. 5 Books in 1, 2023. Willow Kumar. Amazon Publication. 2022.
Destiny, Gaia Matrix Oracle Numerology. Rowena Pattee Kryder. Golden Point. 1995.
(Rare Book)
The Great Initiates. Sketch of the Secret History of Religions, Volume II. Edouard Schure. 1920.
Reprinted by Amazon Media EU, 2021.
A Joseph Campbell Companion: Reflections on the Art of Living. Selected and edited by
Diane K Osbon. Harper Perennial. 1995.
The Kybalion, A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Eygpt and Greece. Three Initiates.
White Crane Publishing. 2011.
Life Cycles. Your Emotional Journey to Freedom and Happiness. Christine Delorey. Osmos Books.
Magic Days, Your Daily Astrology, Numerology and Tarot Guide. Nadine Jane. Square Peg,
Penguin Random House UK. 2022.
Master Numbers, Cycles of Divine Order. Faith Javane. Whitford Press. 1988.
Nature and the Human Soul - Cultivating Wholeness and Community in a Fragmented World.
Bill Plotkin. New World Library. 2008.
Numerology, Using the Power of Numbers to Reveal and Shape your Character and Destiny.
Colin M. Baker. Anness Publishing Ltd 2013.
The Numerology Workbook - Understanding and Using the Power of Numbers. Julia Line.
The Aquarian Press.1985.
Reclaiming the Wild Soul. How Earth's Landscapes Restore Us to Wholeness.
Mary Reynolds Thompson. White Cloud Press. 2014.
The Secret Language of Numbers, Your Way Forward. Richard Abbot. Natural Living Books. 2008.
The Works of Arthur H. Norris, A Journey of Human Development. Volume I, edited by Richard Abbot
with Pat Warrington. First edition 2012. Natural Living Books. Original Work Copyright 1983-2010.